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20 Points About 9/11 that are Sus On the 20th Anniversary of the Biggest Crime Hidden in Plain Sight

Writer's picture: The Other MaryThe Other Mary

My pal Sue and myself with that random German guy at the Statue of Liberty, 1995

Yesterday marks a landmark anniversary of the biggest crime, psy-op, and power shift in modern history. As I have stated in the past, and will state again here, I’m not claiming anything in particular. I am not putting forth an alternative narrative to 9/11 with my own machinations, nor do any of the sources from which I pulled. The following are just facts.

When what is known is evidence enough, there is no need to even mention what is unknown as part of an argument. What is known evidence about 9/11? That we are not being told the whole story, and some of what we are being told is smoke and mirrors. You’ll have to ask yourself if this matters to you personally, and why or why not. It matters to me, as someone who is passionate about the Truth. 9/11 was my first real “red-pill moment” years ago, which opened my eyes to seeing reality through a more careful, critical lens.

I recently heard a young man say that, being born after 2001, he and his cohorts did not really know about 9/11, and it was not sufficiently being taught in school. Upon sharing this out loud, my own 10 year old son says, “So what did happen on 9/11?” Though the following is too in-depth for a child to read, I felt prompted by this unawareness to share with those who are able.

If this is your first deep dive into 9/11, prepare for some surprise, and possible cognitive dissonance, even incredulity. It’s a bitter pill to swallow, but I think it’s vitally important to know, especially considering all the innocent lives lost.

1) Global Collapse/ Free Fall

  1. The Twin Towers and Building 7 collapsed “on itself” - or “into its own footprint”. This has only ever happened in a controlled demolition where engineers rig up a system of explosives throughout the foundation and at various points throughout the building to go off in such a way that, as the weight of the building falls in tandem with natural gravitational forces, it sinks neatly into its own space, limited damage, impact, and mess for surrounding buildings and areas. This is the safest, cleanest way to bring down a building. The method is called “pulling.”

  2. All three buildings collapsed in “free-fall” - a demolition term referring to the physics of an object collapsing without resistance that one would expect in a chaotic situation where the upper part of the building were damaged and began to fall, but the lower half of the building (built specifically to resist global collapse for safety reasons) would still be structurally sound enough to either resist and break the fall, or at least slow the fall through material resistance. The fact that buildings which were structurally created to resist collapse came down in 10 smooth seconds each suggests that the lower parts of the building were prepared to accept and cater to the force of the fall; in other words, a controlled, planned demolition - which is not the official story. This is particularly fishy when examining Building 7, which received no impact and was not damaged in the same way as the Twin Towers.

  3. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) concluded in 2005 that they found no evidence the buildings were brought down in a controlled demolition, however in a report spanning a whopping 10,000 pages, they do not address how or why the buildings DO collapse, despite the report being named “The Report on the Collapse of the Twin Towers.” They state being unable to draw any conclusions, and admit they didn’t test for explosives...however, independent researchers did. Nano-thermite, an explosive compound, was discovered in the ground zero dust samples, proving there was more than just jet fuel itself that caused fires that day.

2) WTC Building 7 Falls

Did you know a third building fell on 9/11, but was not hit by planes, or anything for that matter? This massive event was not even mentioned in the 9/11 Commission Report, the official government sanctioned narrative. Building 7 is part of the campus of World Trade Center buildings, and supposedly caught on fire by proximity to the hit towers. If this is the case, it is the first and only building in history to ever achieve global collapse due to office fires.

In fact, WTC buildings 3, 4, 5, 6, and the nearby Deutsche Bank building, all received critical damage and were severely crushed, burned and broken, yet the core infrastructure remained standing. Building 7, the furthest away of all the buildings, experienced global collapse in free fall - complete structural failure - despite being the least damaged of all buildings mentioned. In fact, eye witnesses said they heard explosions going off within the building before the Twin Towers even fell. They escaped through a window fearing for their lives thinking the whole building was going to blow. It's painfully obvious WTC 7 was a pull. But why?

Well...Fun Fact: Building 7 was the home to some interesting tenants: ITT Hartford Insurance Group, American Express Bank International, Standard Chartered Bank, and the Securities and Exchange Commission, Internal Revenue Service, Regional Council, the United States Secret Service, New York City Office of Emergency Management, National Association of Insurance Commissioners, Federal Home Loan Bank of New York, First State Management Group Inc., Provident Financial Management, the Immigration and Naturalization Service, The Department of Defense (DOD) and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). The clandestine CIA office was revealed only after the 9/11 attacks.

3) The Sound of Explosions

Dozens of first hand accounts, and initial news reports from 9/11, all tell of hearing “boom-boom-boom!” in rapid succession, standing nearby and in the WTC buildings, and particularly underground in the WTC subway station at the Towers. Eyewitnesses from workers, pedestrians, firefighters and police use the word “explosion” to describe their experience, which is different from the sound and feeling of a direct-hit impact.

4) Molten Steel

Molten metal exceeding 2,000 degrees F was discovered in the ground zero rubble, underneath the Twin Towers AND Building 7. Despite rain, cold temperatures, and fire retardants being directly and heavily applied, the smoldering fires were not extinguished until mid-December 2001, making it the longest burning structural fire in history.

A movement called Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth have banded together to openly state that after careful study as experts in their fields, they find unsupported claims in the official narrative, one being that jet fuel alone could have caused the hot temperatures that annihilated the steel structures of the buildings, and never would have smoldered for that long.

5) Access & Conflict of Interest

  1. If we conclude that explosives were present, how did they get in undetected? In December of 2000, a renovation project started involving the steel frames in the elevator shafts of both towers. This was carried out by a company called Turner Construction. At the time, the CEO of Turner was Tom Leopard, with personal ties to George W Bush and Carlos Gutierrez, secretary of the Department of Commerce under GWB; the Department of Commerce is in charge of NIST, the institute mentioned above which carried out the investigation of the collapse. Just Sayin. Even more sus, Turner Construction also did fireproofing on the very floors of the towers hit by the planes. Susiest of all, the records of Turner Construction were all destroyed on 9/11, as their office was in the WTC.

  2. The security company that managed the WTC was called Securicom and had President GWB’s brother, Marvin Bush, as a board member. This company also managed security for United Airlines and Dulles International Airport. Dulles is the airport from which Flight 77 took off (which hit the Pentagon) and United Airlines flight 175 hit the South Tower, and United Airlines flight 93 was the plane that went down in Pennsylvania on 9/11, supposedly a thwarted hijack attempt on the capital.

6) No Evidence Remains

The WTC debris, which you’d think US intelligence would want to examine, was immediately removed from the site and shipped overseas, completely disappearing without any investigation. Yes - all of it. It took them until May of 2002 to complete the cleanup. Even in TV shows we learn this type of activity is destruction and removal of evidence from a crime scene. Engineers and the victim's family members were enraged, calling it a “half-baked farce.”

7) Follow the Money Part 1: Insurance Claims

Larry Silverstein signs a lease in April 2001 for WT1&2 (He already owned Building 7). Though the original insurance on the buildings was $1.5B, Silverstein insisted on insuring them for $3.55B, and was given the right to rebuild on the property, should the buildings be destroyed, and was allowed to expand on the properties in this...unlikely event.

Within hours of the towers being hit just 5 months after this deal, he called his insurance brokers to see if he could leverage the towers as being two separate insurance claims. He walked away with $4.55B, the largest insurance settlement EVER. He even tried to sue the airlines for negligence. Stranger, Port Authority, from whom Silverstein leased the buildings, paid back much of the equity to Silverstein ($98M, plus over $100M for rebuilding) while still granting him the right to rebuild on the site.

8) Follow the Money Part 2: Lucky Trades?

On September 12, The Securities and Exchange Commission opened an investigation: an unknown group of traders seemed to have advanced knowledge of the 9/11 plots betting against companies involved in the attacks. One example was United Airlines. Just days before the attack, over two thousand contracts betting that UA stocks would go down were purchased, which is 90x more in one day than in 3 weeks. Of course this did happen, and “someone made a lot of money, fast.” ($180,000 = $2.4M.) Same story with American Airlines.

Even more unusual were stocks being purchased for Raytheon, a defense contractor. After the attacks, Raytheon supplied missiles for eventual use in the invasion of Afghanistan, triggered by 9/11. There are many more examples of this, even foreign companies getting involved. Here's a quote from a transcript of a former CIA agent (Robert Baer) speaking with a journalist:

“...I know a guy who went to his broker in San Diego and said ‘Cash me out, it’s going down tomorrow'...his brother worked at the Whitehouse.”

THAT has implications of foreknowledge all the way to the top. This has never been investigated.

9) War Game Coincidence

You might not believe this, but September 11th was day 2 of a simulated war game called “Vigilant/Global Guardian” overseen by the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) and the joint chiefs of staff. The particular drill was - you can’t make this up - an airplane hijack scenario in the northeastern United States.

As you can imagine, when the real-life events began to unfold, those participating in the exercise thought it was all part of it. When people started catching on to what was happening, there was mass confusion: was saying, “No this is real” simply part of the game? No one knew how to play or what to do. The cognitive dissonance severely impaired proper defense responses.

Weirder still, the National Reconnaissance Office, which oversees the nation’s satellites, begins a drill of its own at 8:45am, conducted by the CIA, in which a plane crashes into their headquarters.

Excuse me, but what are the chances of this...who decided to schedule it on this day? Deeply sus: After low-key leaving the elementary school where he was speaking the morning of 9/11, President Bush flew to two air force bases involved in the war game exercise before returning to the white house. (He doesn’t seem very anxious, does he?)

10) Lack of Defense

In a terrorist attack, defense jets are dispatched to manage the situation. However, it just so happened that the jets needed for the hijacked planes had been sent to other locations, also as part of yet another war game called “Northern Vigilance.” When it was finally understood what was happening, the jets had to be recalled and rerouted, taking far longer to provide crucial defense than would have ordinarily been the case.

Oddly, Langley airport, despite having jets, did not dispatch them until 9:24, after the first tower was struck, and 10 minutes before the Pentagon. They are ordered to be sent to the capitol, but instead, are “mistakenly” sent out over the Atlantic Ocean. By the time the Pentagon is hit, the waylaid jets are 150 miles away.

11) The Pentagon & Missing Trillions

On September 10, 2001, Donald Rumsfeld announced he was “declaring war '' on the Pentagon for somehow mis-accounting for $2.3 TRILLION dollars. (The Defense Finance and Accounting Service reported $7.6T 1999 fiscal year but only $3.5T could be accounted for.) He had been attempting to investigate this matter since January, but, as one can imagine, it was a mess. He finally came out publicly after 9 months of being evaded.

The public opinion of the Department of Defense was down, and in 1997 The Project for a New American Century was founded to rebuild (AKA rebrand) America’s defenses. In 2000, a document was published by them stating that “the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary changes, is likely to be a long one...absent some catastrophic and catalyze growth event - like a new Pearl Harbor." This “New Pearl Harbor'' came on 9/11/01. The Pentagon was attacked, and the secretary of the army explained that they were unable to produce a financial report for the missing trillions due to “the loss of financial management personnel sustained during Sept 11 attack.” Oh well.

12) The Hijackers: Piloting Knowledge, Visas & the Miraculous Passport

  1. Hani Hanjour, the hijacker who is reported to have flown the plane into the Pentagon, entered the US from Saudi Arabia in 1996 supposedly with the intent to become an airline pilot, but records show he did not complete a single course. Reports from instructors say he lacked skill, didn’t attend classes, had a weak personality, and was a waste of resources. Yet somehow this flunkie managed to gain access to a commercial plane and fly with precision into a narrow target.

  2. Suspiciously, in the weeks leading up to 9/11, Hanjour and his 4 accomplices stayed in a hotel just a few miles from the National Security Agency (NSA) building.

  3. Visas: It’s well known by now, after background checks, that the hijackers were not masterminds. So how did they pull this off? One has to ask the question how these terrorists were able to not just enter but remain in the country and supposedly attend flight school in the first place.

“All of them should have been denied entry. They didn’t have to beat the system: the system was rigged in their favor from the get-go.” (Joel Mowbray of the National Review.)

In other words, someone doesn’t have to be a mastermind if he is granted access.

4. A passport, belonging to Satam al-Suqami, one of the terrorists on board Flight 11, was found moments before the World Trade Center 2 (South Tower) collapsed and was given to a detective from the NYPD. Some wonder if this could have been planted, as logically it seems unlikely that a paper document could survive a plane crash and the building collapse that incinerated so much material.

“Fact checkers” tell us that such things happen: random pieces remain intact during catastrophes, and while that may be the case, an article I was reading about the odds of this particular passport being there completely intact at the scene of the crime chastises people for asking that question.

13) My Pet Goat: President Bush at the Elementary School

On the morning of September 11th, President George W Bush was in Florida to promote an education policy by visiting a classroom of elementary students followed by a speech. Before entering the building, he was briefed on the first plane hitting the building, and later claimed he saw it happen on a live television broadcast, though this is impossible, as footage of the first building being hit was only released later that evening.

As the president sits in front of the class listening to the story My Pet Goat, his Chief of Staff whispers the news to him about the second tower being hit. The president remains seated and listens to the rest of the story, leaving the elementary school 30 minutes later. This is absolutely outside of normal protocol in an attack scenario. Protecting the president is the highest priority; he would have been grabbed and whisked away to a secured location. In fact, his whereabouts had been public information for 3 days, so if anyone had wanted to target the school, it would have been easy to do so.

The only explanation possible that allows Bush to remain calmly seated for that long after receiving such intelligence, is that the Secret Service knew for a fact that the president and the school were not a target. How could they be so certain? Wasn’t this breaking news to everyone?

14) Whistleblowers Die the Day They Were Going to Expose the Truth

Marsh and McLennan, a billion dollar insurance firm, began developing brand new software to create an e-connection between Marsh and its clients, such as AIG, Deutsche Bank, Morgan Stanley just to name a few, for “paperless transactions.” No other companies were doing this type of transaction. The project began in 2000 and the developers worked long hours, 7 days a week, as if it were being rushed for some reason...

A few employees started seeing irregularities in billing the account - to the tune of $10M off - and attempted to organize a whistle-blow meeting with the execs. All but one of those people, who provincially happened to be stuck in traffic, died in that meeting on 9/11, while the people they were going to challenge, had for whatever reason, arranged to attend the meeting by conference call from other locations rather than at their Marsh office in the North Tower, floors 93-100, exactly where the impact was.

They thought their tracks would be covered because all the data was destroyed, but a 3rd party data recovery company collected disk fragments from the site and stated “an unexplained surge in transactions was recorded PRIOR to the attacks, leading to speculation that someone may have profited from previous knowledge of the terrorist plot by moving sums of money.” (CONVAR, Repair and Service Center). Either that or America just decided to go on a randomly huge shopping binge early on Sept 11. Most of the transactions are still unaccounted for.

Cray sus: an employee at Deutsche Bank reported that in the 40 minute window between the two towers being struck, their computer system was completely “taken over”. There was a massive data purge, download, and “all kinds of stuff was moving.”

15) Lack of Response

Norman Mineta, the Transportation Secretary, testified during the 9/11 Commission hearings that, as those in the Presidential Emergency Operations Center (PEOC) watched on a monitor flight 77 get closer and closer to the Pentagon, a young man anxiously approached Dick Cheney (VP) and asked him, “Do the orders still stand?” According to Mineta, Cheney barked, “Of course the orders still stand - have you heard anything to the contrary?”

Begs the question: what orders? Whatever they were, they allowed the plane to hit the Pentagon without defensive interception, which is what one would expect in a terrorist attack. Interestingly, when the Commission Report was published, they reported Cheney entering this room a half hour after the plane hit the Pentagon, and the secret service claims they have no record of Cheney entering the PEOC at all.

16) Media Foreknowledge

Many news reports on 9/11 seemed to know Building 7 was going to fall. Who was feeding them this information? Here’s the most cringe example of how false and misleading mainstream media can be: A BBC reporter announcing that Building 7 has fallen, reading the given script from her teleprompter, as WTC 7 still stands in the image behind her! (The building over her left shoulder.)

17) A Bird? A Plane? A Missile?

Within minutes of the attack on the Pentagon, the FBI showed up and declared it a federal crime scene, which excluded any other type of police investigation. As you can imagine, the Pentagon has high level security cameras, but they deny their cameras captured footage of the crash.

A few years later, a FOIA request was made and an FBI agent located some footage that provides only a few frames which show an obscure, fast moving fiery object impacting the building; to this day, no clear images of an actual plane hitting the pentagon is known to the public. In another coincidence (how many is it at this point?), the plane managed to hit the only spot in the building that was undergoing renovations to withstand a terrorist attack, including reinforced steel and blast resistant windows. If it had struck anywhere else, the damage and casualties would have been far worse.

Some have argued that the spot of impact doesn’t seem to look like what one would imagine had a 757 hit a building, and have brought up the lack of wreckage recovered at the site.

18) The Disappearance of Flight 93

Around 10am on 9/11, United Airlines Flight 93 allegedly crashes into an abandoned strip mine near Shanksville, Pennsylvania at 580mph. The story goes that the passengers and flight crew were able to keep the hijackers at bay, and chose to sacrifice themselves and crash the plane rather than risk it hitting the supposed target: the capitol building or the White House. Despite 44 passengers and the massive body of a 757 being among the wreckage, responders, witnesses, police - even the coroner and mayor - reported a bizarre, puzzling lack of remains:

“The only thing you could see from where we were was a big gouge in the earth and some broken trees...nothing that you could distinguish that a plane had crashed there.” - Chris Kinicki, news photographer on the scene at the time.
“I didn’t think I was in the right place. There was nothing, just this pit...I was looking for anything that said tail, wing, plane, medal...there was nothing.” - Scott Spangler, local photographer.
“There was nothing. No bodies, no wreckage,” said Andy Barth, of Somerset Area Ambulance Station 902, who was among the first responders to arrive on the scene that day. “Just scattered small pieces of metal. I didn’t see anything larger than five or six feet. I’d have never guessed it was a big plane like that.”

There is no historical evidence that a 757 with passengers could crash intact and disintegrate all its own remains. What happened to Flight 93 is legit an unsolved mystery.

19) Habeas Corpus: Bin Laden's Body

It is routine, as part of a criminal investigation, and as part of psychological closure/justice, for a most-wanted criminal to be presented - dead or alive - to those who are conducting the case. Bin Laden was the most-wanted man on earth; millions of people wanted to see him dead and justice to be served for the crimes he allegedly orchestrated. Beyond justice and criminality, an important part of any death is proper identification of the body for obvious reasons.

For such a high profile case as this, identifying Osama bin Laden was paramount. Yet, when the US special forces, working with the CIA, finally tracked him down 10 years after the 9/11 attacks, they reportedly killed him in a raid on-site, and - wait for it - promptly dumped the body into the ocean! President Barack Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and others watched the raid from a monitor in the White House’s “situation room.”

Reasons as to why they did this are wobbly: apparently no country would accept his remains, and the Saudi Arabian government approved of having a burial at sea, which involved traditional Muslim rites. He was then disposed of in the North Arabian Sea. But other sources say they didn’t want to bury him somewhere that might turn into a perverse shrine, and yet other sources spout drivel about 9/11 being so emotional already, why trouble people with more disturbing attributes. Yet the lack of official confirmation of the body being Bin Laden’s has led to alternative narratives.

For officials who disdain “conspiracy theories,” they don’t always do a good job closing cases in ways that prevent them from being born.

20) Problem-Reaction-Solution

The Patriot Act was a bill that was rushed into place directly as a result of 9/11, just 45 days later, under the guise of protecting Americans from terrorists...but what they don’t tell you is that the terrorists they want to shield you from are enemies within: domestic terrorism. The Patriot Act gives the government permission to collect and store data such as internet usage, phone calls, and medical records on citizens permanently, and use at their discretion.

21) Bonus: The Crime of Thinking for Yourself

The excellent film Loose Change, which brings forward many of the points mentioned herein, with greater precision and images, ends with “Ask Questions; Demand Answers.”

Unfortunately we live in a world today where there is such a thing as a “thought crime,” where investigating something yourself - research, digging, due diligence - can have you labeled something like a “conspiracy theorist” which has the negative connotation of a crazy person who is paranoid and denies reality.

Since when is learning about something for yourself the mark of a crazy person? Since when is raising an eyebrow at holes in a story, regardless of how powerful the storyteller is, a sign of weakness?

America was hijacked on September 11th 2001, not by Osama bin Laden and his al Qaeda network with box cutters directed from a cave in Afghanistan, but by a group of tyrants ready and willing to do whatever is necessary to keep their stranglehold on the United States of America. A group beyond one man or any one administration.

How long will the American public or the world wait for the truth about September 11th? How much louder will the family members and survivors have to scream for answers? - Loose Change


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