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Everyday Exorcism: Welcome to the Blog

Writer's picture: The Other MaryThe Other Mary

Updated: Apr 8, 2021

Allergy Warning: The following sentences have been processed in a brain that may contain opinions. Additionally, I confess I don’t know everything about the Bible, life, and in fact, I am still figuring out my self. Wanna talk about it? Please contact me at Wanna argue about it? go write your own blog. I’m no expert, but I do give careful, thoughtful consideration to my words. Thank you, and please continue...

Ephesians 6:10-12

Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places…”


Ladies and gentlemen, we are in a spiritual battle. I won’t waste your time pointing out all the self-evident madness you surely note for yourself on the daily. It seems to have reached a fever pitch, but in truth, nearly every generation has interpreted the “signs of the times” to the extent where many have declared their era as the end of the world.

Yes we are in the “last days”, which simply is the period of time between Christ’s ascension and His second coming. When asked about it, Jesus said mankind cannot predict the definitive Last Days; He took it a step further and said that He Himself does not know the time or the hour.

This instructs us not to worry or waste energy trying to puzzle it out. However, we are called to be vigilant and ready, and much of the work required for that preparedness is engaging this spiritual battle.

The battle might sometimes be of Biblical proportions, though it is unusual to have an encounter with Hollywood-level theatrics. No, the devil prefers to be subtle. That way he can flit about his work undetected, getting more accomplished. It’s these casual, seemingly mundane fronts, barely measuring on our spiritual Richter scales, that I am referring to as Everyday Exorcism.

Time to take the loaded language of exorcism down from its liturgical loft. Not with the big guns - not with those grand mal events and exotic show-downs that do need careful expertise to navigate. I’m talkin’ the commonplace encounters of everyday life that we are commissioned to combat. This is not about casting Legion into pigs, this is about clearing cobwebs and shewing spiders. Little sparks cause forest fires. With insight, courage, and faith, We are capable of cutting them off at the pass.


If someone were to ask, “Sum up Christianity in one sentence,” we might reach for the ubiquitous T-shirt slogan, John 3:16: “For God so loved the world, He gave His one and only son that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.” A tried and true summation.

However, unless we already understand why God so loved the world, and why he sent his son in the first place, why we perish and why we need Jesus for eternal life, the slogan seems Sunday School at best, and the magnificent power contained so succinctly in that verse is missed entirely.

We cannot take for granted something so fundamental that we overlook what leads up to Jesus’s arrival Earth-side, the event John Milton poetically referred to as “Paradise Lost.” C'mon though, let’s be blunt: it’s banishment and death.

Genesis 3 recounts the event of serpentine Lucifer persuading Eve and Adam into disobeying God’s directive, for the sake of what they would personally gain if they did. This story is titled The Fall, which is taken metaphorically to be mankind’s “fall from God’s grace” - expulsion - the rift in that divine fellowship we shared with God in the garden. But I suggest The Fall is literally referring to Lucifer’s fall from heaven, of which Genesis 3 is a continuation.

Lucifer ( “morning star” or “light-bearer”), later referred to as Satan (“adversary”) was a high-ranking, powerful and beautiful angel in God’s worshipful entourage. He was cast out of heaven due to his pride and narcissism, so struck by his own vogue that he wanted to elevate himself above God (Isaiah 14:12-14) (Ezekiel 28:12-19). Ironically, his attempt to rise made him fall. Perhaps this is why the satanic approach is often referred to as being inverted, reversed, twisted, or upside down.

What does this have to do with spiritual war?

Clearly Satan had it out for humans enough to want to deceive us and get us to deliberately doubt and disobey God. But it was God who officially declared war when He said:

I will put enmity between you [the serpent] and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring; he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel. (Genesis 3:15)

[cue boxing match bell]


If war seems odd - almost gratuitous for the Lord to declare - remember this:

First, God is not pitting two losers against each other like a street fight; He picked a side, or better stated, mankind was on His side all along, and despite disobedience, He did not turn his back. God proves immediately in Genesis 4 that He continues to remain close, work through people, guide us. Soon after, God makes His alliance official, sealing it through a covenant with Abraham, declaring that He is our God and we are His people (Genesis 15).

Second, the “he” - offspring of the woman - God is referring to, is Jesus Christ. (Here we come to the T-shirt phrase, but see how much happened beforehand that is not mentioned?) Christ is the victor; this battle is already won! He will bruise your head. Oh them’s fightin’ words. And we know the devil puts up a good one, because God also tells us Satan & Co. get a piece of the action: ...and you shall bruise his heel.

Though we live in these latter days of Christ’s past-present-future victory, war rages on for reasons only God knows, perfect in His time. Satan and his minions will eventually be cast down into the lake of fire forever (Revelation 20:3).

Meanwhile, let's get to work. From our standpoint, we’re just stamping out smolder in the aftermath of Christ’s atomic harrowing of hell. Make no mistake though, it can still cause mortal damage. That is what this blog will hash out: how to recognize, protect against, and ward off the wiles of Wormwood. Not gonna lie - for those of us with a conscience, things can seem unbelievable because we simply cannot conceive such darkness. Apologies in advance for being a buzzkill. Just keep that in mind that we need not fear. When it’s getting hot up in here, remember Christ’s words, talking to his disciples about the great tribulations we face:

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)

[...kinda cool how this mirrors, both in sentiment and numerical verse, John 3:16]

Brothers and sisters, take up your broom and dustpan! Sweep with me! Let's expose the why behind John 3:16. The contrast revealed in the battle of the spiritual Light and Dark will show those who gaze upon our T-shirts just how profoundly the world needs Christ, just how so-loved we are by God. Indeed, Everyday Exorcism is also Everyday Evangelism.

To be continued...

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1 Comment

Apr 07, 2021

I like the “stamping out the smolder” image. There is a sense in which the war is won, but the skirmishes continue until the final battle.

Too often, however, we end up fighting each other instead of the real enemy. (Which I suspect might amuse the evil one greatly)

I think you are right that Satan doesn’t do flashy stuff. Why would he call attention to himself when he can sing us a lullaby?

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