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Writer's picture: The Other MaryThe Other Mary


May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, my Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer. - Psalm 19:14

I recently listened to a discussion on Anarchy - what it is and isn’t - by Mark Passio, podcaster and keynote speaker, host of the show What On Earth Is Happening. Passio is a former member of the church of Satan. For over a decade, he has been speaking out against the tenants upheld therein that have caused moral decay and the degradation of society. Neither he nor I are saying that card-carrying Satanists are the sole instigators; in fact it is usually much more subtle. I saw this quote on Instagram to the point:

You don’t need to be a capital S-Satanist to aid in degradation. The most useful people are unwitting participants, unflatteringly referred to as “willful idiots” - following marching orders without realizing from whom - or what - these orders were issued.

We are all guilty of this from time to time, by manner of being citizens of the Shadow Kingdom - this realm of the Prince of the Air, governed by occultists: those who carry out clandestine plans for the world. These covert operations are both material/secular, and spiritual in nature. (Read an expose on the Shadow Kingdom through the lens of the entertainment industry here!) Once we do become aware of what on earth is happening, we can stop marching to the beat of that drum, no longer pawns in their game.

Getting back to Passio, during his talk on anarchy (an interesting subject for another time), he posted this slide (see above) I found useful for illustrating what elements corrupt a healthy group of people who otherwise could handle being self-governed (true anarchy) because they follow a moral standard set forth by the Creator.

As believers in Jesus Christ as Messiah, we know this is an idealized perspective, since, because of sin, it is not possible for people to perfectly follow a Godly standard to the point of being completely self-governed, hence our need for grace, mercy, and salvation through Christ. And though I do not think Passio has surrendered to Jesus (let’s pray for him because he’s sooo close!), this is still pretty much his point: Satan/“satanism”/sinful nature has corrupted us as individuals, and thus society as a whole.

Let’s bring our focus to the phrase overlying Passio’s chart: Moral Relativism. For context, the labels on the 5 points of the inverted pentagram (the symbol used for Satanism) are what he refers to in crude colloquialism as “fake-ass anarchists”: those who believe that anarchy (Greek for “without a ruler”) - thus freedom - can be achieved through the following methods:

  • Materialism: Simply by existing, I have the natural right to take what I can get, “the world is my oyster.”

  • Lack of Spirituality: This is all there is so “eat drink and be merry.”

  • Postmodernism: Truth cannot be determined/ we define our own rules.

  • Solipsism: I can only trust in myself, for what is in my mind is the only thing I can know for certain.

  • Atheism/Scientism: The ironic belief that there is no God/Creator/Supreme being, yet having zealous faith in systems, methods, processes, and reductionism.

And if this is the case, you can see how it is impossible in any scenario to have a definitive "right" and "wrong" moral code.

The Moral Relativistic/ Post-modern phrase “Do what thou wilt” - the concept of your “holy authority over yourself” - came from the OG Western occultist/Satanist Aleister Crowley, which is the mantra and official statement of Satanists and Chaos Magick practitioners today. Do you think the “love and light” New Agers who are trying to be super kind and tolerant saying “you do you” or “to each his own” realize the origins of this philosophy?

All of these categories on Passio’s chart fall under the umbrella of Moral Relativism, which is the belief that there is no Absolute Truth, therefore “do as thou wilt.” This is why Passio - and I believe rightly so - attributes this worldview to both proper Satanism and unwitting satanic (anti-Christ ) behavior and philosophy.

The antidote to this practice is proclamation of the Truth: the world is created and sustained by God, and we are saved through Christ. Indeed, there is no way we can govern ourselves or make sense of existence, not even through scientific methods, which can be useful of course, but as we know, continually shift. If you go down the road of materialism, postmodernism, solipsism, and atheism, you may empower your ego, but you will essentially be reduced to a nihilistic realization that underlying the power of your grandiose self, is meaninglessness. The void. Chaos. It is a free-fall into the abyss. I would know: I experienced this terrifying tumble myself when I tried to live out some of these philosophies.

This is why so many people say they find God - cry out to Jesus - when they’ve hit “rock-bottom.” Rock-bottom is the metaphor for the lowest low a person can reach, when they’ve crashed and burned and have nowhere else to go. This is actually a blessing, because at least there is a low to reach! Otherwise you just keep plummeting, spinning on and on for eternity.

Praise God for being the bedrock!

Praise God for breaking our fall!

Praise God for being there to pick us up, broken smashed puddle that we are.

In my song “Rock!” I list just a handful of the many times in scripture God is referred to as The Rock, or a rock is used as a symbol of power according to His will:

You are where the wisemen build (Matthew 7:24-27) A firm foundation to dig in my heels (Ephesians 2: 19-22) Moses split one and the water spilled (Numbers 20: 9-11) You are The Rock!
You are a refuge from the foe (Psalm 11:1) A tablet Chiseled when the Law was spoke (Exodus 31:18) David threw one and the giant broke (1 Samuel 14: 48-51) You are The Rock!
You are the cornerstone (Acts 4: 10-12) A boulder useless on that Easter morn (Luke 21:1-3) Peter’s named one and the Church is born (Matthew 16:18) You are the Rock!

The gates of hell - the Shadow Kingdom/ Mystery Babylon - will not prevail against the omniscient solidness of the Rock of Ages, and no false teaching will eradicate the Truth. Nonetheless, we must help reveal this Truth to others, as we are commanded to be a light in this shadowy world.

Moral Relativism is the age-old one-liner enticement of the serpent; it promises us freedom - “fake-ass anarchy.” These satanic methods advertise freedom from the worldly tyranny of kings, governments, and the authoritarian boot, but the occulted spiritual intention is to free us from God’s authority and rulership, from which there is no escape, only stumbling, groping in the dark.

Passio refers to this upright and necessary authority as Natural Law, and while we would take it further and emphasize that Christ fulfills the Law and it is only through Him that we are truly free, Passio does agree with us that this Law comes from the Supreme Creator/God of the universe - after all, where does the concept of morality come from anyway? How do we know what “right” is unless it’s been established?

Nothing can be established in a void by the void itself; some-thing can arise from no-thing. The defined must have a definer, and it is defined by a “boundary” - the foundation, the bedrock. If there is nothing upon which to stand, you are not standing, you are falling. And that doesn’t sound like freedom, or self-determination, to me.

Enjoy rocking out to this proclamation song!

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